Nathan Bennett

You’re human. You struggle. We all do. I’d love to talk. I promise change is possible. I promise to offer an impactful relationship with another human being who can actually relate. I know what it’s like to be a client. I won’t waste your time or B.S. you. I promise to be curious, to ask good questions, and to help find answers. A few ways I’m different: I see people where others see problems, I value quality over quantity, and I believe relationships are more important than routines.

I enjoy working with clients (in both English and Spanish) on a wide variety of issues including anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, trauma, cultural adjustment, spiritual concerns, as well as ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder. With all of my clients, I aim to build a strong, collaborative relationship that promotes freedom, healing, and growth.

Looking for—and going to—a counselor can be somewhat intimidating. I would know. I’ve been through the personal counseling process myself. We all have wounds and areas of difficulty and struggle. As a counselor, I am honored to work with individuals, couples, and families who need help overcoming these challenges.

You can learn more about Nathan at or get in touch with him via email: or by phone/text at (407) 917-7127